Post-episode feels

Sep 29, 2012 22:39

A meandering thought that occurred to me after watching The Angels Take Manhattan:

Amy refused to let the Weeping Angels take Rory away from her, up to and including climbing up onto that rooftop ledge with him, and said "It's called marriage."

Eric didn't climb up there with me. He didn't even push me off for the greater good. He just waved goodbye and then left me there, alone, after saying my problems were no longer his problems. Or something like that.

Yet, right after the episode ended, my boyfriend Jason called me up on Skype and said "Don't you ever leave" while tears ran down his face.

I can't pinpoint exactly why but I can't stop comparing the two in my head.

This post has been brought to you by a shameful neglect of this journal and an overabundance of feels.

doctor who, jason, amy/rory, real life, the angels take manhattan

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