So it Begins...

Jan 21, 2004 02:31

Bah! I have given into this mad online journal craze. I don't really know why, even. I guess it's cuz I lost my real journal, the one I put every detail of my mindworks into. This is going to be fairly superficial, no offense, but not all of you guys need to know EVERYthing about me. Some of you almost do anyway. But not quite! ;)

Where to begin...? Uh... I'm at Mike's right now, quasi-watching Pretty Woman. Awesome film. Mike is finally doing his German homework which I completed earlier. No wait, he's watching the movie, too :S. Life is pretty interesting now. College is... time consuming. I like my classes this semester (expecially my World History class. My professor really teaches with a passion and it kinda almost fills my unsatiable desire for history). Having German and French is hella awesome. I love languages. Not as much as someone else I know, but I do.

Which brings me to something else... I still don't know what the hey to do with my life. Everyone tells me to go Poli Sci, but I dunno. Maybe! We'll see, I guess.

Let's stay off of that one, I could tell my frights of that to the world for far too long. People now? Ooooh, NOW you guys are interested! My bestest friend Anne Marie was actually (secretly) my inspiration for starting one of these. Therapy, maybe? Anyways, she's awesome, sucks that she goes to freaking UGA!!! Ya, all of my friends and I got split of when we went off to college. I am the only person that went to GA Southern besides people like Bryan Gainous and Katherine Williams. Woo-ha! I care! It was so horrid at first. I had no one here at all. I remember when my mom and John drove away. The first thing I did was go to my prison ce--er.. room and sit on my bed... and came darn close to crying. So I got in my car and drove. Driving seems to help so much, dunno why it heals me so. I guess it's cuz it's my car, my space, MY something. And it is mine alone. Man, I'm getting homesick thinking about this... I really miss a lot of things about home... My mom, John, (all the talks we had, the ones we could be having now), my friends, my house, my space. But hey, this is college, this is the start of my new life, *MY* life. I have some awesome friends, the greatest, sweetest boyfriend, and school, class, a LEARNING ENVIRONMENT. I love to learn!

Why the hell do so many people despise learning so? Life is so much more than the little bubble that one lives in. No matter what anyone does, he or she still isn't going to completely understand the world, but at least try! Gah! I hate hearing all about "me me me me me!!!!!"!!!! People! Talk about something else for a change! There is so much out there! Does it REALLY matter that Suzy Homemaker is actually a closet whore? Will the world REALLY end because Dan Whoever isn't interested? I mean, ya, it does matter and it is important, but always look up and realize that it's all pretty petty in the long run. Life sucks beaucoup ass sometimes, and bad days are always gonna be there, but get your head out of the little hole you have dug you call your niche in life and see that there is a world full of people out there. You guys know what the population of the earth is? HOW many billions? Exactly. You get my message there.

Maaaan... now I am restless... I wanna go do something, and no--no Wal-Mart run is gonna cure this one. I wanna go see someplace new. Machu Picchu is supposed to be nice this time of year. Or maybe I'll just be a hypocrite and talk about myself some more. Uh... news news...

People from my past are getting back in touch with me again! It's darn amazing how they all decided to do that at the same time. Some people I'm happy about (Karim!--ya, first loves are always missed when they're outta your life), and some... no. I kinda wish good ol' Bucky would get back in touch, but I dunno, maybe this is best. I wanna see my schoolie friends again this summer. It'll be fun times. But ya, to elaborate, Karim emailed me outta nowhere. It had been a year since I had heard from him (and it was a scary email at that!), so it's nice to catch up and chat again. Haven't been able to get in touch with Anne Marie a lot lately, that makes me pretty not happy. But I called her tonight and finally got ahold of her. Yay!

Hmm... looks like this will be (finally) drawing to a close. Mike's ready to get some sleep, and truthfully, so am I. Nice kid, he is. I'm lucky as hell, I want you guys to realize that I know that. Definitely a great and inspiring addition to my life. What can I say, I love him.

Deine Stella*
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