Arrow 2x13

Feb 07, 2014 18:31

I desperately want to vid Sara/Oliver (Canary/Arrow) for Arrow (gen, het, whatever). I think this likely would make me a very unpopular fan, which only makes it cooler! They should give that girl a spin-off series. She rocks! Girl + salmon ladder = Hells yes!

That is all. :D


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ageless_aislynn February 7 2014, 10:09:30 UTC
Ooo, I'm glad that I've managed to miss teh crazay "fans!" The Olicity part of my Tumblr dash has been very calm and all, "Hey, it might not be what we were hoping for but there still were a lot of great Olicity moments in this ep so there's no need to freak out about it."

I definitely agree, the sexual tension is my favorite part! ;) If things are rushed, it's just not as fulfilling to me when they DO get together. :S

And yep, Black Canary/Green Arrow is definitely comic canon, except that Black Canary is Laurel in the comicverse (at least she was, I'm not current on the comics) but that's apparently one of the ways they're diverging while still sort of keeping things close to comic canon. I like that they're not strictly following comic canon yet are still respecting it, if that makes sense? That gives them a lot more freedom while still not being off totally doing something unconnected to the original comic source. ;)

They definitely are SO similar, which is why I can see why they would be drawn together at this particular moment. They can certainly understand where the other is coming from! :D ♥♥♥


crystalsc February 14 2014, 05:36:39 UTC
The first Black Canary is actually Dinah Lance though Laurel Lance becomes Black Canary too. (Everything in comics gets recycled and rebooted too). Haha

I don't hate Sara but I find myself shipping Olicity.


starrylizard February 14 2014, 06:22:50 UTC
Yeah I read all about it on Wiki. *wink* But they've mixed it up by making Sara The Black Canary... though I don't know that they have actually called her that anyway.

Oh I get Olicity (as you all insist on calling it. Man I hate name-squishing), but I enjoy the sexual tension there and the fact that it won't likely happen for ages.

Quite enjoying the Sara/Oliver though. It's rather circular if you think about the coupling that's been going on since before the island too. :)


crystalsc February 14 2014, 15:26:43 UTC
LOL Funny thing is I hate ship names too. It just seems everyone says Olicity so I say it too. I'd prefer to write Oliver/Felicity.
I liked Sara just fine but I liked her even more after the last ep where they revealed that she's bisexual. I loved how true that felt and how she talked to her Dad about it and the way the entire situation was handled. I was proud of the writers and producers and the whole cast for that. It was a fact, a part of her life and it wasn't sensationalized for tv lusting.
Since you've got me talking about the show and I've not really talked to anyone about it before - I'm going to go ahead and say I don't give a fig about Thea & Roy. Do you? Roy in the comics is Ollie's sidekick - his "robin" if you will. And it's him that Ollie calls "speedy" (not thea). I like the actors so I dunno, I guess it's just the writing. I just don't care about them. But I find myself wanting to fast forward whenever it's a Roy/Thea scene or a Laurel scene. The rest of the show is okay for me. How do you feel about them?


starrylizard February 15 2014, 02:03:40 UTC
Yes, I too adored the handling of the sexuality aspects of the character. It just was.

I really don't like Laurel as a character. She's so shallow somehow. 2 dimensional. But I also never liked the actress in Supernatural, so I wondered at first if it was just her... but I think the writing has a lot more to do with it now.

Thea used to annoy me a bit - the teenage angst angle getting over-played. And at first Roy too seemed very 2-dimensional, with all the poor little lower class angle, etc. But I've come around to both Thea and Roy this season and have actually been enjoying some of the interactions between them and Oliver. I'm hoping now that Roy is on the team, he'll become a proper sidekick and gain a bit more personality. Plus there will be the issue of keeping secrets from Thea which could go well or not depending on the writing. Not one I'd bet on.

Loving that there is now really a team of five - Ollie, Sara, Roy, Dig and Felicity. It's fun! I hope it stays that way for a while. :)

On a side note, I love Laurel's Dad. That character has always played well for me. As does Walter. I just wanna squish him. :)


ageless_aislynn February 15 2014, 09:30:05 UTC
Ooo, very true about Dinah being the first Black Canary in the comicverse. ;) I really liked that they still kept the Canary "in the family" so to speak, since I can't imagine them being able to get Laurel anywhere near that point now. At least, not without her going through some sort of redemption-ish arc and getting her life in order again.

And I'm the same, I still really like Sara, despite the fact I'm Olicity all the way. (It helps that I'm a multi-shipper and don't get bothered shipping totally conflicting things. ;) )

About the smushnames for ships... *throws in my two cents from the conversation downstream* ;) It's weird, there are some ship names that sound SO awkward, they make me cringe (Caskett for Castle/Beckett is one ;) ) and there are others that I sort of fall right into and it doesn't bother me (Skate for Sawyer/Kate from Lost). More often than not, IMO, it's not necessary and just is done because somebody wants to be the one who "invents" the ship name that everybody else ends up using, rather than it being a helpful shortcut when you're talking about the pairing.

I think fandom would be an easier place without ship names in many ways, if for no other reason than it would help the newcomers not be completely confused, lol! ;) ♥


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