Arrow 2x13

Feb 07, 2014 18:31

I desperately want to vid Sara/Oliver (Canary/Arrow) for Arrow (gen, het, whatever). I think this likely would make me a very unpopular fan, which only makes it cooler! They should give that girl a spin-off series. She rocks! Girl + salmon ladder = Hells yes!

That is all. :D


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Comments 14

ageless_aislynn February 7 2014, 09:21:40 UTC
ZOMG, when we could hear the sound of somebody going up the salmon ladder and you automatically think we're going to see Oliver but instead it was Sara? Coolest moment EVAH! \o/ I'd totally watch a Sara/Oliver vid, especially from you! ;)

I mean, you've probably deduced my main Arrow OTP by now :P ;) BUT I've found that most Olicity shippers haven't fallen to pieces/sworn death to Sara/etc. even after the end scene. I don't like that Felicity is going to be hurt when she finds out about it, of course, but at the same time, if that would've been Felicity and Oliver... I would've been much more worried about my ship, to tell you the truth. It's too soon, Oliver's still waaaaay too broken to be able to have a healthy relationship and honestly, I like a lot more UST before my fav couples get together, so an out-of-the-blue snog and comfort sex would've disappointed me in a lot of ways. ;)

Which is all a long-winded way of saying, TOTES do your vid! It'll rock! :D \o/ ♥♥♥


starrylizard February 7 2014, 09:54:40 UTC
Haha! Yeah. Getting those two together would just be jumping the shark (or whatever that expression is). I keep wanting to hit all the crazy facebook fans whining about them not putting him with Felicity as a couple. The sexual tension is the best bit! ;)

But my understanding is that in the marvel verse Black Canary and Green Arrow ate quite often a couple. So that's pretty cool. And she's kick ass! I love all the back story with the two of them. So similar - with the experiences that have created them - Yet so different too. I hope they keep giving us all the back story. *flail*

Xxx Long-winded pah!


ageless_aislynn February 7 2014, 10:09:30 UTC
Ooo, I'm glad that I've managed to miss teh crazay "fans!" The Olicity part of my Tumblr dash has been very calm and all, "Hey, it might not be what we were hoping for but there still were a lot of great Olicity moments in this ep so there's no need to freak out about it."

I definitely agree, the sexual tension is my favorite part! ;) If things are rushed, it's just not as fulfilling to me when they DO get together. :S

And yep, Black Canary/Green Arrow is definitely comic canon, except that Black Canary is Laurel in the comicverse (at least she was, I'm not current on the comics) but that's apparently one of the ways they're diverging while still sort of keeping things close to comic canon. I like that they're not strictly following comic canon yet are still respecting it, if that makes sense? That gives them a lot more freedom while still not being off totally doing something unconnected to the original comic source ( ... )


crystalsc February 14 2014, 05:36:39 UTC
The first Black Canary is actually Dinah Lance though Laurel Lance becomes Black Canary too. (Everything in comics gets recycled and rebooted too). Haha

I don't hate Sara but I find myself shipping Olicity.


doubleholmes February 7 2014, 10:20:16 UTC
Cool! You're into vid making? A spin-off of Sara would be interesting, but maybe for now you could make a video tribute to her with the song Make Me Wanna Die by Pretty Reckless.

I hope you keep making music vids, I'm sure they'll be epic!


starrylizard February 7 2014, 12:28:11 UTC
Cool song choice! Thanks!

Yeah, I haven't made any new vids for ages, but I think I'd like to make some. I just need to find the time to do it. It takes way more time than I usually have these days. *sigh*


doubleholmes February 7 2014, 14:24:43 UTC
I have been watching Arrow so far, and the Oliver is slowly become the superhero Green Arrow. But when do you think he's gonna adopt the full name Green Arrow? He has been known as Arrow now, but he should eventually had the title Green next to it.


starrylizard February 8 2014, 02:22:18 UTC
I got the impression from my reading that they are deliberately not calling him Green Arrow, but sticking with Arrow. Sort of to keep this TV show a bit apart from the comics. They're taking bits and pieces from the comics, but not following them completely.

In S1, there's a scene where one of the policemen suggested they could call him "Green Arrow" and they all laughed at the bad suggestion.


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