
Oct 29, 2011 17:15

Hi y'all. A few things:

1) Another article has emerged with info on the new Canadian spin-off of Primeval. And yes, it is definitely a spin-off now, which does give some possible scope for character crossover, but mostly makes me glad that they aren't trying to reinvent the wheel entirely. Yay! Makes me want to watch it now. :)

2) wrisomifu (Write something you miserable fuck!) is now open to new members. I do it every year without fail and enjoy hate it immensely. Here's the advertisement:

nothing to do in november but graze the fridge, prod dolefully at your big bang/holiday exchange/yuletide fic, and snarl at nano-ers?

well sack up, underachievers! wrisomifu (write something, you miserable fuck) is here to save your dignity and your shaky fest completion record.*

wriso is a month-long challenge for people who don't like to push themselves too hard, or display any unseemly enthusiasm. all that's needed is 10 minutes a day of typing (coherence not required), a quick check-in and a little mutual griping with your fellow mifus. in return you'll get some gentle cudgelling and all the whingeing space you could ask for. it's the laziest, most wretched writing challenge in town, and it's calling your lj-name.

if it sounds like exactly what you don't need this november, you can sign up here for an invite until midnight gmt on 31 october. well, why not?

Sign up HERE, HERE or HERE. :)

3) Got my festivids assignment the other week. Wow. I really like my vid challenge, but it will be a challenge. My word. Eeep. Anyone else signed up this year? :)

4) Take a look at my tvrealm Big Bang over HERE. I know I'm not great at graphics, but I had a lot of fun making these anyway. And then I managed to bury them under a cut... oops. :)

5) Annnd... there was something else that I will no doubt remember randomly in the middle of the night, but until then... that is all. :P

primeval, pimp, list

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