My Big Bang for tvrealm

Oct 25, 2011 18:04

MY BIG BANG: 2 vids, 2 picspams, 1 header, 1 poster & 1 wallpaper

Click on graphics for full size image. :)

Vid: Primeval Dreams
Fandom: Primeval, Video prompt: Shapeshifter, Music: audio from prompt vid, points: 40
Vid post (Including download and alternative streaming links) is HERE

Vid: Sprint
Fandom: Chaos, Word prompt: Sprint, Music: Looseless by Juzhin, points: 30
Vid post (Including download and alternative streaming links) is HERE

PicSpam: Backs
Fandom: Primeval, The Listener, Lost Girl, Hawaii Five-0, Outcasts, Trra Nova, Chaos, Doctor Who; Icon/Photo prompt: Backs, Points: 12

Header: One Girl Revolution
Fandom: Chaos, Music prompt: One Girl Revolution, points: 4

Picspam: Kono - One Girl Revolution
Fandom: Hawaii-Five 0, Music prompt: One Girl Revolution, points: 7

Chaos Poster
Fandom: Chaos, Quote prompt: I spy with my little eye, points: 4

Wallpaper (with alternates)
Fandom: Doctor Who, Music Prompt: Ships by Umbrellas & Texture promt by talkofcake points: 4

tvrealmbigbang, tvrealm

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