Rambling, fic reading, feeling much better, the usual!

Feb 25, 2006 19:15

Hee! The last two days have been terribly uneventful. I've holed myself up in my house vampire style and only ventured out this afternoon to put out the washing. I feel much better for it though. I think this darn cold is definitely starting to lose it's grip on my immune system. Go immune sytem, go immune system, go, go, go immune system! Even my voice is almost back to normal. Yay!

I was talking to my mum again the other day and between the two of us, we decided I hadn't got a single cold or flu that managed to actually hit me with ye old secondary infections and such (except maybe the odd sore throat) for oh at least 2 years...possibly 3. Pretty cool huh! Though I do seem to get every stomach bug that goes around, but they don't last as long, so not a bad tradeoff. OK so nobody actually wanted to know that. *grins*

Anyway, being bored and holed up, I decided to go looking for crack!fic or possibly something smutty for a bit of distraction and instead found a WIP that had reached chapter 56!! I would usually run away in fear at that point, but I read it instead and then went back to chapter 1. It really filled the day nicely, between food, tea, chatting with Sakuracorr, finishing off the artword challenge entry and regular tissue-to-nose sessions and it's actually amazing writing. I'm up to chapter 28 at present!

SO...Fic rec...assuming you're crazy enough to start with the reading of ye old 56 part WIP...come join me in my new obsession! :p Hi there Skein! *waves* I noticed you friended me back. Sweet!

The fic is called Do not go gentle. Click the link to go to part one and the whole thing is tagged, so it's easy to find the rest of it. Beware, it's compulsive reading! *grins*

A quick summary: Do not go gentle is a very AU SGA fic, in which Sheppard is a leukaemia patient and Rodney gets talked into being his carer. It's incredibly moving, has the most amazing cameos from other characters and it's basically a McShep love story...a beautiful one. Both Rodney and Sheppard are whumped a fair bit and basically the woobie-factor is off the scale. *wraps them up in hugs and warm blankets* It's a very emotional and intense fic in many ways and not my usual rec, but as I said, it's become compulsive reading.

I hope the writing continues at a pace, or at this rate I'm going to catch up and end up waiting for chapters. There are several scenes that seriously had me shaking *flails* with just how incredibly real the emotions and situations are. Rodney's panic attack (Chapter4 methinks) almost had me hyperventilating with him...but then again I was feeling rather icky anyway, so I have an excuse. This fic is just full of raw emotion and though I've said it already, it's compulsive reading.

In other news, we've also finished our Artword challenge entry in record time. 4 vidbites with matching drabbles and I'm really proud of them. It was amazing fun! I have a feeling we'll keep making more, even if not for the actual challenge. SO many ideas! *grin* Oh and Sakuracorr is trying to convert me to the darkside that is writing smut...seriously our converations have had me blushing and giggling furiously. If some ends up making it's way into my journal, it's all her fault and I just felt the need to say that for the record. *pokes tongue out at Annie and stuffs the virtual darkside smut cloak she gained today into the back of the wardrobe*

artword, vidupdate, rl, ficrec, rambles

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