Call 1800 exotic now!

Feb 24, 2006 00:20

Well my cold is officially a nasty one and I feel crappy, sooooo... I did meme that lets me look at hot guys of course! Apparently I want an exotic Badass - everything at once! :p *giggles*

My mum just rang to check up on me and we were happily joking about how my voice sounds like one of those late night phone sex ads. You know "call 1800 sexy now!" *giggles*
That or the guy that does 'love song requests' on the radio - "This song goes out to a special lady, whose man thinks the world of her...". *chuckles*

Exotic bad-ass
You scored 70% masculine, 76% athletic, 54% exotic, and 37% refined! You want everything in a man at the same time! Masculine, built like a Greek god, exotic and mysterious and even some bad-ass in there too. I think you would really like Freddy Ljungberg, the Swedish Calvin Klein model. He's the guy on the right. But let's face it, the whole point of this was to look at a bunch of hot guys. If you liked what you saw, please rate my test!

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 84% on masculine

You scored higher than 81% on athletic

You scored higher than 73% on exotic

You scored higher than 18% on refined
Link: The What type of MAN turns you on Test written by thinkandcome on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Ha! The "I'm too sexy" vid just started playing on WMP. Random can sometimes work for me.
*sings* I'm too sexy for my car, too sexy for my car, too sexy by far...


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