SPN 5.2

Sep 19, 2009 10:05

Ok, lemme say my piece before I read some stuff...

Okay, the Amulet has a purpose and it happens to glow around God. That's really symbolic, right? Something Dean's worn his whole life as a symbol of Dean and Sam and family and love... it glows around God. So, Dean giving it up...considering how he got it, just seemed like a portent to me the moment it happened...like that was Dean giving up Sam and dammit, it was. But he also wanted it back. "Don't lose it!" Which I think is also something. Kripke is all about symmetry from birth dates, to the way people died to the deals the Winchester's made... so when Dean gets that amulet back, I bet he and Sam will be proper brothers. *nods* :)

Anyway...I (unlike I'm sure other people...which is why I'm writing before reading) like how that played out. (Even if in my crack!brain Dean was going My Preciousssss, bad brain!) I was personally getting annoyed with the whole lying, hang-dog Sam and distrustful Dean, which has been going on for a while, and the angsty vibes there. It felt right for them to be separating for a few episodes. And I liked the way they did it. Sam doesn't really want to go, Dean doesn't really want to let him go, but they both feel the need for it to happen.

Dean offering Sam the car was a gesture... offering their only protection. After everything, he still wants to protect Sam, it's built into him. The car is safety and home. But if Dean's gonna be the one hunting, he's the one that needs it and it really is Dean's car. Of course Sam would never take it. But even the gesture speaks a whole lot of what Dean can't say.

As for the rest of the episode, just yay! I really enjoyed having Ellen and Jo back. I missed those two. They were some of my favourite characters and I love that they've been hunting together. Mother/daughter team for the win.

SOME BODY WRITE ME FIC of Ellen and Jo hunting together. I'll pay you in icons or something. Or just give me prompts and I'll abandon current fic projects and write some myself.

I love the repaired mother-daughter bond there. *smishes them* Good to see you again, ladies!

The Lord of the Rings reference cracked my shit up.

I wonder if Dean has to collect all the trinkets from the four horsemen of the apocalypse or something... I wonder if the ring really is a bit LotR-like and has an effect on whoever has it. I wonder where Sam will go. Back to Bobby? It'd make sense in that Bobby knows what Sam has done and what he is... or will he end up in his own trouble? I'm thinking the latter. I mean, the demons probably do think of him as their dark prince. The guy who brought the apocalypse. I'm sure they'd love to tempt him back....

Anyway, general *flail* Story-wise, I'm just darn interested to see where this all goes. :D

I'm spoiler free, so please no spoilers.


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