Image of Ronon as a puppy - too cute

Aug 11, 2006 14:25

Quoting qwirky's review of Sateda, because it amused me and it's so true. It's the lost puppy episode!

Sheppard: "I lost my puppy!"
Lizzeh: "You lost your puppy? Go get your puppy!"

On the planet:
Not!Lorne: "I found this." *hands over Ronon's gun and belt*
Sheppard: "My puppy's toys! But where is my puppy!!1!!"

In Atlantis:
Sheppard: "My puppy deserves respect, dammit!"
Caldwell: "I'm not risking my crew for one lost puppy."
Lizzeh: "We don't leave our puppies behind."
Caldwell: "Don't preach to me about lost puppies!!!1!"

And ooh I seem to have gained a few friends over the last few days. *waves* Hi! Apparently I just have to go off my nut and write Wraith commentary more often.

Oh and I forgot I can reveal my story over at atlantis_lvw was story #2 - Kiss and Make Up and I'm still in the game. The comments I got were really interesting. Quite a few people voted for me (ie. didn't like my story much), which is kinda cool in a weird way.

I'll post the story to my LJ shortly anyway, but I'm feeling lazy today. I'm just waiting on the new prompt that should come today.


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