054; 43 icons: Girls' Generation

Dec 13, 2011 23:48

Does anyone feel how quickly time passes recently? I was going to post the three claims for December, but I had to resign from one of them and still need to finish the other one. So for now, here are icons with Sunny from SNSD made for kpop20in20 and 4 icons I managed to make for another comm.


[39] Lee Soon Kyu
[4] SNSD

20 icons + 19 alternates

THEMESbig textbrown costume





19 alternates + 4 icons from unfinished claim:






Credit for the picture used for AC#5 and alternate #19 - hersheyjerzey.tumblr.com
The rest of the pictures was found via google. If you see there any picture you own, please let me know so I can credit!

Rules of using:
* If you're going to use any of my graphics - please, comment! It's fair to me because I at least know if anyone likes what I create! I'd love any support and any advice :).
* Credit is a must, so please - stick to that. Doing this you respect the fact that I put my time and energy to create those graphics.
* Please, do not hotlink! Save graphics on your computer and then upload them on some hosting website as e.g. photobucket or imageshack. It's as easy as that.
* Also, textless icons/graphics aren't bases so don't use them like that and don't change them. If you'd like me to add something, I'd do my best but just ask.
* All credits can be found HERE.
* Enjoy! :D

In case you don't know how to credit:

When you upload the userpic in the comment insert my user name (e.g. made/created by amaranthine3).

And if you save for future use, please save it with my username or the name of the community so that you won't forget who made it! Thank you :).

Snag and enjoy but please, remember to credit! If you like what you see, please JOIN or WATCH the community for future updates :).

music: hwang tiffany, pairing: sunny/tiffany, 20in20kpop, music: lee sunny, pairing: ot9, !icontest, !graphics: icons, music: girls generation

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