Mar 21, 2012 21:23
Wow, I did not realize I hadn't updated since November of 2011. I have to say: That's horrific. *hides*
Long story short: Remember that internship from the last post? Well, the internship turned into a full-time job offer: I accepted, and now I'm living in Austin, Texas!
I moved out here a little over 5 weeks now. Long enough to get a sense of the roads. [Finally! :)] I actually LOVE Austin; it's not what I expected Texas to be in a very good way.
The city has a huge live music scene, so I hope to start gigging soon. *squee* SO excited. I'm also meeting friends of friends through fun coincidences and having a grand time in general, so life's been good. ;] I cannot complain.
Anyway, this entry is so makeshift, but I just wanted to post an "I'm alive" entry for the world. I'm pretty tired from work, so this is me keeping it short. Not sure when I'll update next, but you can always email or tweet me to check if I'm alive. :p
Sending lots of love,
Jen ♥