Feb 17, 2011 00:31
Today's lesson: Take every day as it comes, and learn to forgive myself.
*sighs* So many failings today. My pride, anger, frustration, overthinking tendencies, lack of perspective, failure to think things through (or adequately prepare)-take your pick.
Meditating on Psalm 51: Praise God for His overflowing grace; without it, I have no hope. I am so humbled and broken. I managed to sin so much today without anyone else's help-a very painful reminder of what my sin nature is capable of. The amazing truth of 2 Corinthians 12:9 is starting to hit me more and more-that even when I sin, God can be glorified in the end result, for His power is seen all the more clearly in my weakness-and how comforting that is! All the same, I can't help but feel extremely disappointed in spite of it all. God didn't save me to let me run amok with a foul attitude and a heart completely devoid of worship.
This is where I pray-for repentance and forgiveness, yes, but also for the strength to move on. To look past myself and towards God and the future. To identify my stumbling blocks and not get hung up on my failures. To remember that God's grace is bigger than anything else.
Lord, I pray you use these incidents to sanctify me. I'm still a work in progress: thank you for not giving up on me.
Philippians 1:6 - "And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ."