of people and things i miss

Jul 04, 2008 12:58

It is Friday. And I'm bored.
Well, not really laaa, I'm just lazy =/

I slept at 2.30 and woke up at 10.30. Owh my timetable and sleeping times wtf. Sometimes I'd think back and wonder, how the hell did I manage with just 3 hours of sleep last few years =_____=

I miss a lot of people and things lately.
I miss Frack, Kaede.
I miss Red, Kero.
I miss my right boob, Fiona. lol
I miss Dream and Mi~chan. Maria, Marika.
Maha, Eunice, Jessie, Yvonne.

I miss the random high talks we'd have.
The close talks we'd have.
The times where'd people stare at us because of some stupid thing I said and we'd laugh our heads off.

I miss Nic, and I think Michael. lol
I miss him..

I miss being stupid and lame without knowing it.
Flirting and pushing around. Holding hands.

I miss waking up with a friend in a same bed.
Throwing things at people.
Being childish.

I wish I wasn't so distant from certain people sometimes .

Oh wells.

Funny, the only people that I really miss from college is Nic Tan. Just because he's real nice and funny and.. lame. lol

Oh and, I only think I miss Michael is because I just saw him yesterday haha. I feel bad though wtf, he fetched me back from Petaling Jaya to Cheras =/=
Thankius again Michael, though I know you'll never read this lol.

I DON'T miss bitches and those Chinese Chinese women =_= You know, those Ah Mei, Ah Su, Ah Hong. omg, I really can't take them lately.

.. I think I've become more prejudice lately. Like, I can't stand those chinese women and disliking someone I barely know.
Not good Not good ~_______~

And I've been googling baking recipes lately. I wanted to bake something on Sunday. SOme things I don't get from the baking world is Cucumber Cheesecake, Onion Cake, Celery Cake and Tomato Cake.... ... ..
I think I'm gonna bake milo muffins on Sunday. Or something else? GAH, TOO MANY RECIPES AND FLAVOURS TO PICK FROM -__________-

Oh and people, Hancock was wtf. lol

And the pic! My busted rim, lol.

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Yes, I'm still trying to figure out how to go college on Monday, Tuesday.. and the rest of next week wtf.

Just for fun, this is to proove that I CAN bake, HA!

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Pumpkin Cake!
wtf, why you peoples say it is Orange, Banana and Butter cake, wtf.. because it does not taste like pumpkin, I know.. but still.. D:
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