of the sad case of a sem 1 break because Ah Boy not here T^T

Jul 01, 2008 11:57

I woke up to mom screaming at me,
because the car foreman was here to take my baby to the workshop.... My baby Ah Boy the car T___________________T
Well, technically it's still my mom's but he's still my baby!

I got into another accident last week, busted a rim. I'll show you guys pics next time!

.. wtf, why I so happy. I won't have a car for at least 10 days... AH BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOYYY ToT!
Secretly, I think my mama damn happy that I don't have a car, I can't go out. And the maid kept laughing at me... ASDFGHJKL VERY FUNNY ARH? LAUGH LA... T_______T

Still trying to figure how to get to college next week.. anyone got a spare car for me to borrow? wtf..

I'm supposed to be on term break now.. officially, it's one month but we have LAN subjects, so it's one week. wtf.

But good thing though, I have no idea what to do for this week.. just because I have no car... Ah Boy, I love you very much T^T

I really damn sad case wey, first day of my holidays, I baked two cakes. Today gonna bake one more.. asdfghjkl.

... I need a life.

Oh oh, my dream last night was weird. It consisted of beaches and my little orange SPF130 sunblock... And more sunblock.

.. I seriously need a life ._______.

p/s: I've been listening to Katy Perry. .. she's not even that good but the songs are just.. addictive =_______= I don't wanna be one of the boooooooooys, one of your guys. I just wanna be one of the giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirls, pretty in pearls.

You're not a man, you're just a mannequin. wtf.
he kissed my lips, i taste your mouth. thinking of youuuuuu~

.. I shuddup now.
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