ugh, nasty day

Apr 01, 2005 01:31

Today was just not a good day at all. Work was ok until I found out that I had no closing driver and no inside closer. So I had to do all the cleaning and everyhing by myself. Oh joy. I'm so glad that I have a short shift tomorrow. Then I get to go to a rodeo down in Monrovia. YAY!
I'm so tired and burnt out, I can't wait for my vacation, which is sometime this coming month and a half. Whenever Lee decides to come back, and whether he'll have time to go to cedar point of not.
Hopfully next week will be better.
I actually have to go to church this Sunday because it is my youth ministers last day at my church. That's sad because he was awesome.
I don't know what's going on with anything anymore. I just need that damn vacation. A vacation from EVERYTHING. Wannabe bfs', work, friends, bills, roommates, pets, EVERYTHING!!!!
Anyways I'll stop bitching.
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