ok, the major points

Jul 03, 2005 20:03

Due to people's request, here is some explanation time.

falling in love
that's right, I've become one of those people, with the boyfriend that i spend way too much time with and still somehow don't get enough. yeah, i've spent every day with him since graduation, and i'm not sick of him, and it's been 2 months. go me and my overdue ability to commit to a man. I love me some daniel gould.

Well, it's no secret that I am an oboe freak and band geek extraordinare, so what better way to spend a some of my summer at a band camp, completely not related to wwhs or marching band. U of L invited me to participate in an "institue" for high school students, and since i just graduated this year, i still counted. so i spent a week in louisville spending my days in about 8 hours of rehearsals. the result of which was amazing. Tichelli's symphony no. 2. talk about amazing writing. it's a hard as ass song, but it feels really good to play it an get it right. there's an online recording at www.manhattanbeachusic.com. you have to search it out a bit, but i promise it is there, and it is really cool. and i got to play it on my new oboe. i love that thing.

the vibrator expirence
not actually the most amazing experience, but still pretty amusing nili's boyfriend is in italy for a long while, and well... she was getting a little ansy. so, we went to the mall during the last week and decided to stop by spencer's to see if they had an ease for her ansies. we found this little waterproof thing with 5 or 6 different heads for massaging of the clitorus, and a really cool feeling plastic/rubber sleeve that has french tickler bumps all over it. now i kinda want one, but at the same time, i've got daniel. what do i need a vibrator for now?

my daddy
another not that exciting story to tell. as, i would say, THE WORLD knows, i have not had the... umm... greatest relationship with my father since the divorce really came into play. actually i might as well call it relationshit because that's more like what it was. well, this past year, i've been slowly turning it around and this summer has made a huge impact on it. the catalyst? step-mom elizabeth is now my boss. aka, dad and i have lunch together almost everyday. i've been over there a few times and well, things are going pretty good. so yeah.

and those are the big stories for now. at least the ones that can be publically posted. oh, and with my man going out of town on weds, for 2 weeks, i'm gonna need help keeping busy. any takers? and no, i'm not planning on being one of those people that is only available when the man is out of town. i'm gonna find a way to balance love-life a social-life, i swear it. but still, hit me up over and help fill up my next 2 weeks.
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