Mar 16, 2006 21:24
Ok. So for a long time now i've been ... lets just say i've been selfish and stupid. Not stupid enough to screw up majorly but just stupid enough to possible hurt someones feelings. i was in the bath today and something just clicked in my head. something that made me want to get off my ass and clean the house. Something that made me almost want to change who i am.
off that topic:
i'm kinda hoping that something gets thrown my way soon. i've been looking for a job and so far nothing has come from it. i've been willing to work any where for any amount of money.. it's just not going good. this sucks. this puts a lot of pressure on me with my court shit happening. that's a lot of money i'm going to have to pay off. Thank god nick has been good and supportive about paying the bills and taking care of us. jeez... so.. i think he's hiding things from me. it's not a for sure thing but it just seems like we dont talk about stuff anymore... i just can't tell if something's wrong with him anymore. i dont know whats going on with us. on the outside i think we're fine. i just dont know what's going on inside of his head. i guess i'm just upset cuz he's been sleeping on the couch lately. i dont even think he makes an effort of sleeping in the bed with me. he's been staying up really late and stuff. and it seems like sometimes if i'm not in the mood or i'm tired he gets all pissy... is this supposed to happen? especially when this someone claims that he doesn't care about having sex all that much. yeah.. dont know.
St. pattys day is coming up.. dont think i'm doing anything this year... way to not be 21 lizz.. shit.
Saturday mom is having a princess house party i have to go to and then i've been invited to Keenas house for a party for her roomate and also to my friend alex's house for an old high school buddy's 21 bday party. not sure what i'm going to do. i'd like to invite nick but he has to work and i dont think he'd have fun. it seemed like he didn't have fun last time at keena's.
i'm bored.
looks like I'M stuck ordering pizza. there's this new place...