* mindless counting and brilliant fragments

Feb 25, 2006 03:42

first thing in the morning, you have that woozy mind frame that is repeatative and trance-like. you know what i'm talking about. sometimes, if i wake up real fast and have to just go get dressed to go somewhere in a rush i begin counting in my head. the number of steps i take or the number of seconds it's been taking me to pee or maybe it's just mindless counting. once i wake up a little more and "come to" i stop and get rally confused. i think to myself what the fuck i am i counting? wait, no, WHY am i counting? i'm going to find out why. maybe there is no reason and its just easier on my mind in the morning to count rather than think about all the things i have to do that day. or maybe its because i know i'm time restriced because i'm late. the world may never know.
also, during that same period of the morning where nothing makes sense, i seem to have these fragmented phrases that repeat over and over in my mind that sound so brilliant they should be poetry but when i finally "come to" they make absolutely no sense what-so-ever and i can't seem to figure out why they were repeating in my head. i would give you an example, but as quickly as they come into my head they fall right back out again. maybe it has something to do with whatever i was dreaming of or something, but its really annoying. i swear, that point in the morning is the most unexplianed part of my life. i need to know more about this subconcious morning thinking. it's almost like a retardation recovery period.
john tesh dealt with the topic recently and his studies, or rather, his field workers' studies, showed that you when you just wake up are in a drunk-like state. in my half listening to his show at work i heard him say something about giving math students a test when they just woke up and how they got answers they had gotten right thousands of times before completely wrong.
in any which case, however, i need sleep. so let me not think about this until when i wake up in mind purgatory again, tomorrow.
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