More Boredom and an odd dream

Mar 25, 2007 23:44

The dream I had the other night was odd..... here it goes.

I was in my grandmas spare bedroom in bed. I was uncomfortable and could not sleep. I moved to try to get comfortable when I realized that I was not alone in bed, and that Geno (Evgeni Malkin) was asleep beside me. I turned my back to him, and he moved himself. Geno is about 6'3 so he was taking up most of the bed, so I got up and went to lie down on the floor. This woke him up, and he was rather upset that I was sleeping on the floor. I ended up getting up and going into my grandmas kitchen where I met my dad. I mentioned that Geno was upset and my dad explained that it was an insult in the Russian culture if a husband and wife did not sleep in the same bed. I was slightly surprised by this, and I looked down at my left hand and saw wedding bands, and I remembered that Geno and I had an arranged marriage. Then my dad offered to go talk to Geno and explain that I meant no offense. The odd thing was, he was going to explain this in Russian. (heh my dad SO does not speak russian for those of you who don't know me that well)

The dream then skipped, and I was at the mall (I was the only person in sight, but the mall was open), sitting in front of Bentley playing with bunnies. I got bored and left them and walked towards payless shoes. I was looking for Geno and my mom who must have been inside shopping. I was in a great deal of pain, so I sat down and waited for them to come out. When they finally emerged I stood up and said to Geno "hurry we must go" he just looked at me blankly and I said "the baby is coming fast Geno, we must go!" He smiled, and began to lead me to the exit, and just as I reached the door I looked down and all of a sudden I had a big pregnant belly.

Weird as heck dream.
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