long time no see :-)

Apr 15, 2011 12:11

Hey there! :D err... do you guys remember me at all?
ok, so i haven't been updating my LJ for a very long time, and i probably won't write again in some time but i just wantes to mention what's going on with my life.

-i died my hair red last year, on december

-im studying to be a language teacher :-)

-i got the state's scolarship for the future teachers and won't have to pay for my studies

-im doing really wel, my grades are generally very high compared to my classmate's, which is weird because when i talk with some of them i feel they are really really smart and that i probably shouldn't be togather with them in the same class.

-me and my boyfriend decided we are having a baby when we finish our studies :-)

-im not really into the JE fandom anymore. I do my research on News alone but don't participate much on the fandom.

-im sleepying very few hours this days and i generally don't sleep at all twice a week or so, writing essays and such.

-im not having korean lessos for the time, ill come back next month i hope

-my english withough LJ has gotten pretty aweful! i should train more :/

-i miss working

and that's about it. life has been good with me Thank you karma :-)

real life

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