i should have done this ages ago but i was too lazy.
i kinda miss my old journal as a "blog" where i wrote stuff which actually had some content.
Im even thinking of sharing pictures of my self so i don't want some random Jinda fan reading what i write (and certainly not looking at my picture).
Today my LJ has become mainly a fangirlying spot, which is nice too, but i would like to create deeper posts and actually write stuff about my self withouth being the paranoia queen i am when sharing stuff about my self on the web.
to be honest i enjoy reading about 20% (if not less) of my f-list's journals. Im sorry, but i don't feel crazy about reading boaring stuff.
Most of the time i just skip through my friends page wondering why i friended "xYaMApi-LoVeDiVax" etc. No shit, i don't really know the people on my flist, which sucks.
I already have an idea of the poeple i will be keeping but you may try writting something here if you are not confident about it and you would still like us to be friends. It's nothing personal though, im keeping those people who have journals i actually read. The people i want as friends are poeple i wouldn't mind having in facebook for example. (you know you wouldn't share your FB with anybody in the web).
So that's it :-)
I will try to keep my "meaningfull content free" posts public just in case somebody out there likes those.
Happy deleating~