I met with my aunt for a few hours and it was actually pretty fun. The funny thing is she said I could pick where we'd go eat lunch so I ended up with one of my favorite Vietnamese restaurants because I always get leftovers there and I have pathetically-close-to-literally no food in my apartment.
Although if I want tea I'm completely covered, since in my apartment right now I have:
*34 separate types of tea
(on display and separated into type to make it easier to find)
(rooibos, herbal, floral, chai tea bags but not the chai powder or liquid)
(black, green, medicinal and jasmine)
*3 complete tea sets with a teapot and multiple teacups
*3 standalone teapots
(Pictured below mixed together, and without the teacups)
And this is not counting the complete tea set I sent to Sonny awhile back XD Also, I'm such a nerd with all my teapots and teacups that for most of them I can tell the story behind where I got them.
*3 sets of standalone teacups
*5 different kinds of apple cider or hot chocolate
I didn't bother taking pictures of the other stuff... not really sure why I even took a picture of the hot cocoa
*3 different kinds of liquid or powder chai
This doesn't count the juice, water or pop options-- which, to be fair, is far more limited.
And, sadly, yes, yes I would buy more tea right now if I saw something that looked interesting... ¬_¬; I may possibly be obsessed.
Oh, since I'm already geeking out and I don't think I posted this before-- this was my first attempt at onigiri that I mentioned awhile back, in which I did a truly terrible job of it and the thing was a monster:
Anyway I was surprised to find when we went to order that my aunt planned to pay for my lunch. I insisted on paying the tip at least, but that means I got a whole crapload of food for leftovers to eat for the rest of the weekend and hopefully into next week! Woohoo! Now I don't have to leave if I get into a real writing spree!
Of course, I only hope I don't get tired of mock duck and vegetables XD
AND NOW, back to writing! <3