Title: Alone, FR13 (Buffyverse/The Stand crossover)

Dec 02, 2005 16:50

Title: Alone

Author: Sweetness (aaronlisa@gmail.com)
Pairing: none

Rating: FR13

Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss Whedon and company. The Stand belongs to Stephen King and company.

Notes: This is the third piece of a stand-alone series of Buffyverse/The Stand crossovers. This is set during BTVS Season Five.

            No matter how many times she had looked death in the eye, Willow had never gotten over her fear of it. She had never been able to rationalize why some people died and others didn’t. Living on a Hellmouth had taught the redhead to appreciate life all the more because death lurked around every corner. Yet she couldn’t appreciate life anymore when she was the only one left out of her friends and family and when she had watched them all die one by one. She had been powerless to help them as they slowly wasted away; all she had been able to do was to make them as comfortable as possible. Willow was all alone in Sunnydale with nightmares of her friends’ deaths haunted her during the day and at night she was plagued with nightmares of a man who stalked the dead streets and highways of the country. The man was even more terrifying than the feeling of being the only person left in the world. She would often awake suddenly in a cold sweat terrified that his walking was bringing him closer to her every night.


buffyverse, the stand, crossover, willow rosenberg

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