Title: A Piece of His Heart
Author: Sweetness (
Pairing: Willow/Xander
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Notes: Written for
joss100 for prompt #10 (heart). Set during “Becoming Part II.”
As he backed up to make way for Oz, Xander felt as if a piece of his heart was being ripped out. He’d bared his soul to her and she had mistaken him for her boyfriend. He knew that the only thing that mattered was that Willow was okay after what had happened in the library. Yet it had still felt like his whole world had depended on Willow waking up because he had realized that he loved her. Instead his world seemed to shatter as he watched the touching scene between Willow and Oz that he knew he had no right to be watching. And as Cordelia walked into the room, Xander knew that it didn’t matter if he loved Willow, because he had no right to feel so heartbroken about the red-head turning to Oz. So he did what he was best at and he forced a smile at his girlfriend and pretended that everything was normal.