Three more drabbles....

May 01, 2005 12:31

What can I say, other than this week's drabble challenge at open_on_sunday  is great! This time, I ended up writing drabbles that were much in canon and about characters having to face former lovers/friends who are now enemies. Now I really must go type up my other fiction today and avoid open_on_sunday   before it inspires me to write even more drabbles.

1) B/Aus, "Becoming Part Two"
As Buffy listened to Angelus ask her what was left when she didn’t have anything, she realized what she had to do. She regretted having to kill him, especially if there was a chance that he could be resouled. But the monster in front of her would always be just underneath the surface. And if all it took was making Angel happy to bring Angelus out, well it was something that she couldn’t afford the risk. Angelus could easily destroy her and all that she held dear. She calmly replied, “Me,” before she got up to finish things with him.

2) C/A, ATS Season Four
 He didn’t know when he finally realized that she was behind all the evil that they had been recently fighting. All he knew was that it broke his heart more than anything else had, including having her returned without her memories and seeing her having sex with his son. She had been the only one who had made his struggle for redemption bearable. And he had grown to love her, it would never be the love he had for Buffy, but it was still real love. And now overnight, he was expected to destroy her because she was his enemy.

3) W/X, "Grave"
 Her eyes and hair were jet black and her face was covered with black veins as magic coursed through her veins. He looked into her face and saw that grief had turned his beloved friend into his most fearsome enemy. He didn’t know if he had the strength to stop her from destroying the world, especially if Buffy and Giles had both failed. But he as he looked at her, he knew that he had to even if he died trying. And if he died, well at least then he had died at her hands instead of some random vamp.

buffyverse, open_on_sunday

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