Five drabbles for open_on_sunday

May 01, 2005 11:47

This week's theme at open_on_sunday  is "enemies" and these are what I wrote for that.

1) Buffy/Faith, Post-Chosen

They would never be friends no matter how much time healed their wounds. The fact that they had both been willing to kill one another had ensured that they could never be friends, even if the actual hatred for one another had died. And they really didn’t hate one another any more. But they still didn’t trust one another, and they both knew that they never would. And then there was Angel, who would always divide them. Buffy would always see Angel’s willingness to save Faith as a betrayal and Faith would always be jealous of Angel’s love for Buffy.

2) Giles, Post-Chosen

The Slayers were looking at Giles expectantly as they waited for his answer as to how a Slayer like Buffy could have fallen in love with two vampires when he had just finished telling them that vampires were the Slayers’ natural enemy. He cleared his throat as he tried to figure out what to say. He knew that he couldn’t just say that Buffy was different, even if that was the case. Finally as he pulled off his glasses and started to polish them before saying,  “Well you see, at one time, Buffy was enemies with both Spike and Angel.”

3) Lorne/Connor, ATS S.4

It broke Lorne’s heart every time he saw Connor. The once sweet baby that he had held in his arms and had sang to sleep was now his enemy. All because Holtz had wanted to hurt Angel in a way that would be crueler than the oblivion of death. Lorne shuddered as he saw the way that Connor looked at him; it was the way that a predator looks at his prey. It didn’t matter that Lorne ensured that there was good in this world. His very nature and association with Angel had made him the enemy in Connor’s mind.

4) Caleb, BTVS Season Seven

Caleb had never understood his Master’s obsession with destroying the Slayer. He had never understand why The First got so annoyed with him when he tried to stray off the path of destroying the Slayer. He had wondered why some little girl could make his Master so angry, after all she was just a little dirty girl, and they were easily handled. He finally understood why The First had rightly scared about her when it was too late. As he drew his last breath as she split his body in two, he realized just how much he had underestimated her.

5) Spike/Drusilla, Post-NFA

As Spike stared at the woman who had made him what he was, he regretted everything that had brought him to this moment. He still loved her despite everything that had separated them. She would always be his beautiful dark princess. Yet she could never be reformed and he couldn’t live with the knowledge of the evil that she was capable of.  Neither spoke as he shoved her against the wall, he kissed her passionately before driving the stake through her heart. As she faded into dust, he wished for a simpler time when he wasn’t enemies with his Sire.

buffyverse, open_on_sunday

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