[SPN] Classic Corvette 1/1, FR13, S/Jess

Aug 12, 2007 19:25

Title: Classic Corvette
Author: aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Sam Winchester, mentions of Sam/Jess
Disclaimer: Supernatural belongs to Eric Kripke and company.
Prompts: goddess_loki’s prompt of Sam and a classic corvette.
Notes: set pre-series.
Summary: Jess and Sam go on a date that’s ruined by his past.

He had surprised Jess (and even himself) when he had dragged her to a classic car show. They both had pivotal exams to study for but he had insisted that they go to the car show. And Jess unable to deny Sam anything, had agreed. They had been having a fun time until he had seen the classic Corvette. Sam had closed up and down surprising Jess, but how could he explain that before his father had given Dean the Impala to keep, his brother had dreamed about owning a Corvette.

Sam had never really spoken about his family to anyone at school, not even Jess, because he couldn’t really talk about them without talking about what they did. He had known that no one, not even Jess, would have believed him, and half of the time, Sam didn’t even believe it himself and he had lived through it. He had taken one last look full of longing and pain before he had turned to Jess and told her in a clipped voice that he was going.

She had looked at him with hurt in her eyes, unable to decipher why his mood had changed because of a car. Jess had known that it had something to do with the family that he never spoke about and she wondered what was so bad that he couldn’t talk about them. Instead she had nodded and simply followed him out of the stadium as she fought back the flood of questions.


sam winchester, requested, supernatural, sam/jess

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