Title: Not a Morning Girl
aaronlisa Rating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Cordelia Chase, Wesley Wyndham-Pryce
Disclaimer: Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Joss Whedon and company.
100moods - cheerful
Notes: Set during Season Two of Angel.
Summary: Cordelia is definitely not a morning person.
“Good morning!” Wesley calls out as he enters the lobby of the Hyperion.
“Go away,” Cordelia mumbles as she rests her head on the cool surface of the counter.
“I have coffee and donuts,” Wesley cheerfully replies as he shakes the bag at her.
“Seriously, go away.”
“Come on Cordy, cheer up.”
“Drop dead,” Cordelia replies as she raises her head long enough to give Wesley a glare.
“Why so miserable?”
“Angel kept me up all night.”
“Really, do tell,” Wesley encourages her with a smile.
“It wasn’t like that. It was for a case.”
“We have a new case, excellent.”
“No, it’s not excellent. I had to watch this blonde bimbo all night long as she bounced from nightclub to nightclub and the only evil thing about her is that she seems to be able to consume copious amounts of alcohol without having a hang over the next morning. I have an audition Wesley, and look at me!” Cordelia snaps as she snatches the bag of donuts from his hand.
Wesley smiles as he takes a long look at Cordelia and he leisurely sips his coffee before responding to her.
“You look fine, Cordelia. I am sure that you will do fine at your audition.”
“Men!” Cordelia exclaims as she throws her hands up in the air in exasperation. “You’re all the same.”
“Cheer up Cordy, even if the audition doesn’t pan out, there’ll be another one.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence Wes,” Cordelia states as she picks up the coffee and storms out of the lobby.
“Anytime!” Wesley calls out after her.
Title: Broken Hearts
aaronlisaRating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Cordelia Chase, Xander Harris
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
100moods - broken
Notes: Set during BtVS Season Three.
Summary: Even though she wants to take him back, she won’t.
As she looks at Xander and sees the hope in his eyes, she feels like the world’s biggest bitch for having to crush his hope. She wants nothing more than to take him back but Cordelia also knows that she’ll never be able to trust him again. Xander will always have feelings for Willow and that will always be between them. And despite the fact that right now she hates Willow Rosenberg, Cordelia’s not the type of girl to tell Xander he can’t be friends with his oldest friend. And Willow and the whole kissing Xander incident will always be between her and Xander. Cordelia takes a deep breath before she tells Xander to go away and to leave her alone. It breaks her heart a little more when she sees the hope in his eyes die and he turns away from her. It’s for the best though, or at least that’s what she tells herself as Xander walks away from her.