Title: First Audition in a Big City
aaronlisaRating: FR13
Pairing/Character: Cordelia Chase
Disclaimer: Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Joss Whedon and company.
100moods - bouncy
Notes: Set during the first episode of Angel.
Summary: She’s so incredibly happy that she’s bouncing off the walls.
As Cordelia hangs up the phone, she’s so incredibly happy that she’s practically bouncing off the walls. She’s just gotten her first call for an audition and she doesn’t care that it’s for some laundry detergent; all that matters is that it’s her first audition in LA. And she knows that she’s going to make it. Cordelia knows that she’s going to get the part and this will launch her into fame and stardom. She’s going to make it and she’s going to do it on her own without Daddy’s money to buy her the roles like it had when she was in Sunnydale. She’s never told anyone but her father had made several contributions to the Sunnydale school system whenever she was up for a part and she was always cast in the lead role because of it. But now she’s on her own and without Daddy’s money, and Cordelia knows that for the first time in her life, she’s going to prove herself and win the role fair and square, after all she is Cordelia Chase.
Title: Loss of Appetite
aaronlisaRating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Cordelia Chase, Xander Harris, Harmony Kendall
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
100moods - apathetic
Notes: Set during BtVS Season Three.
Summary: Cordelia loses her appetite when she looks at Xander.
Cordelia pokes at her food with her fork as she looks up and sees Xander smiling with Buffy and Willow. It’s not fair that she’s the one that’s been cut out of the group when he was the one that wronged her, but she’s not surprised that Buffy’s remained loyal to her two friends. She’s about to take a bite of her food when Harmony and her former friends walk up to her, Cordelia merely tunes them out and doesn’t hear Harmony’s vicious words or the former Cordette’s mocking laughter. She doesn’t need them, not that she ever did, but it’d be nice to have some friends. When Harmony and the others walk away, she puts down her fork and pushes the tray away; she’s lost her appetite now. It’s unfair how those who deserve to be punished, namely Willow and Xander, go unpunished while everyone seems to punish her. She supposes it’s karma’s way of paying her back for years of being cruel just because she was the most popular girl in school.
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