FIC: Soon 1/1, FR13, Willow/Angelus

May 06, 2007 19:05

Title: Soon
Author: aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Willow Rosenberg/Angelus
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Prompts: 2x5obsessions - insomnia
Notes: Set in between BtVS Seasons Two and Three.
Summary: Willow suffers from nightmares after she’s cursed Angel with his soul again.

Ever since she had cast the curse that gave Angelus a soul mere moments before Buffy had sent Angel to Hell, Willow had been having nightmares. At first she had attributed the nightmares to the stress of that last battle with Angelus and his minions and Buffy’s disappearance. But as the days passed and things gradually returned to normal, or what was normal on the Hellmouth, the nightmares of Angelus remained. And Willow began to fear that they were prophetic in some way.

Every night she was marked as his prey and every night he hunted her. Some nights he would kill her parents and friends one by one. And other nights he would chase her down the streets of Sunnydale. No matter how he hunted her, every night the dreams ended the same. He would catch her and then he would sink his sharp fangs into her neck. The pain of his bite threatened to consume her just as he consumed her life through the blood he stole from her veins. Before she succumbed to death, he would pull back from her neck. His eyes were a demonic yellow and his pale lips were smeared with her crimson blood as they formed the word soon.

Willow would wake up with her heart pounding in her chest and her throat constricted with fear. She knew that something was horribly wrong but she had nowhere to turn for help. The same fiend that haunted her dreams had murdered Jenny, and Giles was obsessed with the task of finding Buffy. Instead, Willow prayed for insomnia so she wouldn’t fall asleep and have the nightmares, yet every night she fell asleep and Angelus hunted her.


buffyverse, 2x5obsessions, willow rosenberg/angel(us)

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