FIC: Just One Kiss 1/1, FR13, Willow/Angel

May 06, 2007 18:48

I am in the process of trying to clean up some of my older claims so that I can reduce the number open claims that I have before I start claiming at other communities (or making new claims at some of the same communities again.) This is why there'll be a few more W/A(us) pieces posted tonight. Plus, my W/A(us) muse came back from an extended vacation.

Title: Just One Kiss
Author: aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Willow Rosenberg/Angel
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Prompts: 2x5obsessions - falling off the edge of the world
Notes: Set during BtVS Season Four.
Summary: Angel finds himself in Sunnydale and he ends up comforting Willow.

He had come to Sunnydale to see Buffy because he thought that his heart was breaking and the only thing that would cure it would be seeing her again. He had been surprised to find Willow in Buffy’s dorm room, but he had quickly come to the conclusion that they shared the room.

The scent of her pain and sorrow as overwhelming and he knew without being told that Oz had left her, there was no other reason for her to be sitting alone in the dark and crying her heart out. No words passed between them as he silently moved to her and took her in his arms. He let her sob her heartbreak out as he rubbed soothing circles along her back. When she was done, she looked up at him with her damp green eyes and it seemed natural for him to tilt his head and to place a chaste kiss on her lips.

With that one kiss, Angel felt as if he was falling over the edge of the world. He felt a connection to the young witch and he knew that it had to do with the fact that she had given him his soul again. Unlike the gypsy before him, Willow hadn’t been consumed by revenge or malice when she had performed the curse and it had connected them in a way that went beyond the curse. That realization changed everything for him and Angel knew why he had been drawn to Sunnydale and it had nothing to do with the Slayer.

“It’s okay,” Willow whispered as she pulled back from him.
”No, I’m alright, really,” Willow stated as she wiped her still damp eyes with her hands, “You shouldn’t be here.”

It shocked him to realize that she had known about their connection before he had, and he wondered how he could have remained oblivious to it for so long. Angel had a hundred questions that he needed to ask but she silenced him again.

”I’ll come up to LA next weekend and we can talk then,” Willow promised.

Angel nodded even though he could detect the lie in her soft-spoken words. Perhaps Willow had been right to keep their connection hidden because as he took in the sight of her, Angel didn’t think that he’d be able to keep away if he had all the answers that he desperately wanted. He stood up and took one last look at her before turning to leave. Angel reached the door and was almost out of the room when her soft words reached him.

”Goodbye Angel.”

The promise of what could have been almost broke his heart in two, but he knew that whatever connection they shared because of the curse and his soul was something that neither of them could explore. They lived in two completely separate worlds and that was the way it was going to stay, irregardless of what either of them wanted.


buffyverse, 2x5obsessions, willow rosenberg/angel(us)

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