FIC: Patience, FR13, no pairings

May 05, 2007 21:53

Title: Patience
Author: aaronlisa
Rating: FR15
Pairing/Character: Angelus, Faith Lehane, Willow Rosenberg
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Prompts: 50_darkfics - #24 (power)
Notes: Set during BtVS Season Three.
Summary: Angelus realizes that patience will keep him powerful.

As he watches her sleep in her virginal bed, Angelus smirks in delight. Soon, he will have her any way that he wants her and no one will be able to stop that. Until then he has to make do with clandestine nightly visits to her bedroom. However there are many things he has to do before he can claim his sleeping princess for his own. Something that he should have done the first time he lost his soul. Thanks to Faith and the Mayor, he has lost his soul for a second time and this time he refuses to waste it on such petty things as regaining his status as the Scourge of Europe. Instead he thinks that he will delight in ruling Sunnydale with Willow at his side, but before that can be done, the Mayor must be destroyed.

He takes in the sight of Willow once more before he silently makes his way into the night. There are several things that he has to take care of tonight to ensure that Sunnydale will be his to rule. One of those things involves playing at the Mayor’s neutered vampire. He will be glad when he can take down the Mayor, and with him Faith. The brunette Slayer is nothing but trash to him and it makes him sick that he has to pretend that he delights in her unnatural obsession in Buffy. He would have gotten rid of her before now but she’s easy to manipulate and he’s decided that once he’s turned Willow, he’ll let her have a play toy in Faith, especially since he knows how much the red-head despises the brunette.

Angelus momentarily debates whether or not he’ll let Willow kill the brunette Slayer and he decides that he’ll keep her alive. He’ll be more powerful if he keeps the Slayer alive, after all if she dies, then another one will be called. And knowing the Watchers’ Council as he does, they’ll send countless of Slayers to Sunnydale to bring him down. He doesn’t doubt his power but all the Council needs to do is to slowly chip away at his power base and it’ll all come crumbling down. This time around he’s not insane with the thrill of being free, he’s more controlled instead. With time and a little patience, he’ll have all he wants.


buffyverse, 50_darkfics, angel(us)

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