FIC: Tired 1/1, FR13, no pairings

May 05, 2007 21:51

Title: Tired
Author: aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Prompts: 50_darkfics - #58 (mask)
Notes: Set during ATS Season One.
Summary: Angel’s not even sure if he’s good anymore.

His time in Sunnydale had taught him well. He had learned how to pass in the two vastly different worlds that he occupied: that of demons and of humans. When needed to, he could pretend to be the civil vampire with a soul. He was gentle and kind and hid all of his true emotions behind a cleverly carved mask of sorrow. Likewise when he walked amongst demons, it meant nothing to him to draw out the old mask of terror to show those around him that they had heard nothing but rumors from Sunnydale. He was still a vampire not to be reckoned with. There were times when Angel wasn’t really sure on which side his true loyalties laid. It was perhaps for the best that The Powers That Be had sent him guidance in the form of Doyle and later on Cordelia, especially since there were nights when Angel almost slipped and allowed evil to win instead of valiantly riding in and stopping it. When it came down to it, Angel was just tired of the whole charade his life had become from the moment he had bitten the neck of some favoured gypsy brat in another life. He was tired of being punished for the sins he had committed as Liam and then as Angelus, and he knew that deep in his heart that no matter how hard he fought, the natural tendencies of his demon would always prevent him from finding redemption.


50_darkfics, angel(us)

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