FIC: A New Game 1/1, FR13, W/A(us)

Nov 22, 2006 17:54

Title: A New Game 1/1
Author: Sweetness
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Willow/Angelus
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Notes: Written for 2x5obessions for set #8, prompt #1 (wrong face.) Also written for velvetwhip because I keep promising her some W/A(us) fiction. Set during Season Two.
Summary: Angelus finally catches his prey.

Willow’s green eyes widened in surprise as she opened her French doors and discovered Angelus standing just behind them. He smirked at the red head as he crossed the threshold and entered her room. Willow took a step back while he took one forward; the strange dance continued between them until she felt the hard wood of her dresser hit the small of her back. He just smirked again as he placed one hand on her hip and the other on the back of her neck, and Willow suddenly knew just how a small creature felt when cornered by a predator. The sickening thought that she was the small creature and Angelus the predator overwhelmed, and although her instincts were screaming at her to run, she knew that he’d kill her before she could even move another step away from him.

“Please,” Willow whispered in protest.
“Please what, little one?” Angelus asked as he ran his finger along the soft curve of her jaw.
”But I’ve done everything that I have for you.”

Her eyes widened in terror as images of her friends bloodied and broken played in her mind as she stared in the soft chocolate coloured eyes of the vampire standing in front of her. She couldn’t understand why Angelus seemed to be fascinated with playing with her head or why he looked at her with an expression that could only be described as rapture. After all she had believed that his obsession was with Buffy, but now as she stared at him Willow didn’t doubt the sincerity of his words.

“Why me?”
”I want you and I always get what I want.”
”But what about Buffy?” Willow asked as she instinctively tried to step back again.
“She freed me so that I could finally see you, but the Slayer would never let me go. However, I did make sure that her death was quick, even though she deserved far worse. Now enough of this my sweet,” Angelus said as he bent down and captured her lips.

His softly spoken words and gentle touches were confusing her, and although she remained still while he kissed her, she felt her body respond to his kiss. She didn’t even realize that she was crying until his tongue gently lapped at her cheek. And she hated herself for feeling something for the monster that was touching her, but his continued gentleness tricked her brain into believing that it was Angel, and not Angelus, who was touching her. When she stared into his brown eyes with no trace of yellow, she allowed herself to believe that it was all an elaborate dream of Angel. Just like any of the other dreams that she had of Angel, where he returned her feelings. He was the Angel that she had a crush on and not the Angelus who had so recently held her tight to his body in the school hallway. The Angelus who had whispered obscenities about what he wanted to do to, even while he choked her.

When his hands moved to touch her, she allowed herself to be swept up in his gentle seduction, even though a part of her brain was still yelling at her to run because he would kill her when he tired of this new game of his. She trembled in fear as the image of herself as a vampire standing beside him came to her mind. Angelus merely continued to whisper soothing words to her as his hands moved across her body. The face that she looked up into was the wrong face because it was the face of Buffy’s Angel. And on some level she realized that he was using it to take what he wanted from her. Yes as she gazed into his eyes, she knew that as long as he kept the face of his soulful counterpart on, she would be powerless to resist him.


buffyverse, willow/angel(us), 2x5obsessions, velvetwhip

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