7_crossovers claims (completed & new)

Nov 19, 2006 11:35

Here are the tables for my 7_crossover claims. Including the one I just completed and the two I just claimed.

7_crossovers Prompt Set #3 - Angst
Author: aaronlisa
Fandom: Buffyverse/Anita Blake Crossover
Claim: Faith/Edward
1. Twilight

2. Forsaken
3. Sickness
4. Bittersweet
5. Macabre
6. Malignant
7. Gargoyle
Progress: 7/7

7_crossovers Prompt Set #3 - angst
Author: aaronlisa
Fandom: L&O: CI/Buffyverse crossover
Claim: Bobby Goren/Drusilla
1. Twilight
2. Forsaken
3. Sickness
4. Bittersweet
5. Macabre
6. Malignant
7. Gargoyle
Progress: 0/7

7_crossovers Prompt Set #4 - Romance
Author: aaronlisa
Fandom: Harry Potter/Buffyverse crossover
Claim: Hermione Granger/Faith Lehane
1. Eloquent
2. Forgive
3. Sensual
4. Flavour
5. Rose
6. Blinded
7. Delicate
Progress: 0/7

This claim will be cross-posted to witchinghourfic

bobby goren/drusilla, faith/edward, prompt table, buffyverse, law & order: ci, harry potter, fic_tables, claims, faith/hermione, 7_crossovers

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