FIC: Beacon of Light 1/1, F/B, FR13

Jul 06, 2006 17:38

Title: Beacon of Light
Author: Sweetness
Pairing: Buffy/Faith
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Notes: Written for joss100 for prompt #27 (light). Set during BTVS Season Three.

Buffy was like a beacon of light in Faith’s normally bleak and dark life. The blonde offered her a way out of a life that was full of pain, anger, mistrust, loneliness and hate. But as casually as Buffy had offered Faith a way out, she had snatched it back because of Angel. Yet Buffy still came back to Faith since the brunette could provide her with things that the vampire could never provide her with, unless Buffy wanted to face Angelus again. The blonde expected Faith to fulfill all of her needs yet she always ignored the fact that Faith had her own needs begging to be fulfilled. Their relationship outside of slaying became one focused on sex and lust as Faith watched the beacon of light slowly fade away until she was left completely in the dark again.


buffyverse, faith lehane, joss100, faith/buffy

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