Although I am very close to completing my claim of Faith at
fanfic100, I can't say the same for my claim of her over at
joss100 Title: Reasons
Author: Sweetness
Pairing: none
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Notes: Written for
joss100 for prompt #32 (child). Set during BTVS Season Three.
Faith had shrugged her shoulders in response to Buffy’s question of how she could work for the Mayor. Part of her wanted to explain her reasons, but the disgust that had been evident in the blonde’s voice and eyes, as she had demanded those reasons had stopped Faith. She didn’t owe Buffy or anyone any explanations for what she did. Anyhow, she doubted that Buffy, Giles or the Council would understand her reasons for signing her life and her soul away for the Mayor. In the end, Faith ignored Buffy’s questions and she had just walked away from the blonde Slayer. She had no desire to tell anyone that she preferred working for the Mayor than the Watchers’ Council, because the Mayor treated her like a beloved child instead of a weapon like the Council was wont to do. No one could understand the years that she had spent wanting to be loved for who she was, therefore no one could understand that she could do unspeakable acts for that love that she had longed for. Faith knew that there was no way that Buffy, much less anyone else, could understand how that need for love could, would and did motivate her.
Title: Freedom
Author: Sweetness (
Pairing: none
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Notes: Written for
joss100 for prompt #29 (space). Set post-Chosen.
She hadn’t really had much time to appreciate or enjoy her newfound freedom when Wesley had broken her out of jail. After dealing with the Angelus crisis in LA, she had gone to Sunnydale where she had had no time to spare for herself. In between dealing with her past, training the Potentials and dealing with the threat of the First, Faith had been run off of her feet. After the epic battle that ended with the defeat of the First and the destruction of Sunnydale, Faith found herself free due to the strings that Angel and Wesley had pulled when they had taken control of Wolfram and Hart. She had always expected to go back to prison following the defeat of the First, but now she was a free woman and her life had quickly changed. There were many nights when she would return to the small home that she shared with Robin and some of the new Slayers in Cleveland, and she would find herself sitting on their back porch with a cold beer in one hand as she watched the stars. There was something about staring at the cast space above her head that helped to calm her and relax her, especially following a fight with some vampire or demon. Perhaps if she were as smart as Giles or Willow, the stars would lose their peaceful quality because she would be able to read their closely guarded secrets. But for her the stars merely twinkled in the night sky as she watched the sky turn from black to light blue with the approach of dawn. They were a constant reminder of her new found freedom and nothing else.