Title: Wishes 1/1, FR13, no pairing

Apr 02, 2006 15:42

Title: Wishes
Author: Sweetness (aaronlisa@gmail.com)
Pairing: None
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Notes: Written for fanfic100 for prompt #46 (star), also written for goddess_loki who supplied me with a prompt or two for this drabble. Set pre-series.

It was the little everyday things that gave Faith both the comfort and normalcy in her life. Even as a little girl, she knew that the violence that she experienced every day at home wasn’t normal. Her only outlet had been to wish on a star, she’d either wish for something better or for something that would change her life and that would allow her to escape. Even as a teenager, she would hug the worn out blue teddy bear from her childhood as she stared out her bedroom window watching the sky change colours as the sun slowly set. A sense of anticipation would overtake her as she waited for the first start to appear so that she could make her wish. And for a few brief moments, Faith could believe that wishes did come true and that she would be saved from her nightmare of a life.


buffyverse, fanfic100, faith lehane, request

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