Doctor Who 5x13

Jun 27, 2010 11:56

Now that's what I call a season finale!

Brilliant in all regards. Of course, as with most Who-stuff, you wouldn't like it if what you're looking for was elaborate well-grounded explanations of time travel paradoxes etc etc, but that's not what Who is about. It's about an exciting story, lots of good lines delivered by good actors playing  charismatic characters, good music, good humour, and, of course, good bow-ties.

The plot proportions of the episode are as epic as the title suggests (The Big Bang), but there is less tragic grandeur than with Tennant final episodes. Ten was charming, but Matt Smith is charming in his own way - he's just a different Doctor, and that is good. The last scene with River and the Doc was as intriguing as it could get. Spoilers!

Now we have to wait till the Christmas special...

doctor who

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