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Mar 15, 2009 19:40

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A village cadre took us to the home of a woman from the Yi nationality who had been trafficked. This woman told us:

I really feel embarrassed to talk about thi trafficking business. When I lived in Liangshan [an autonomous area for the Yi nationality] I had never heard of 'trafficking women', but it was quite normal for a woman to be taken from he rhome and married off to somebody. Don't even think of taking me away from here. It is much better here than in my old home in Liangshan. I get enough to eat, and I don't have to work in the fields, I just do the housework.

When I later got to Lianghsan I realized that most Yi women had a really tough life doing all the housework and working in the fields as well. My own original perception would be that the Yi woman had been sold illegally to this place and that somebody ought to rescue her, but seen from her own viewpoint it was not so important whether she had been 'illegally trafficked' or not. Her life had improved since she came here, so she did not want anybody to come and set her free. From our point of view she was poverty-stricken and her husbang was ill, which was why it had been necessary for his family to buy a wife for him. Still, in her own understanding this was a better destiny than any of the alternatives. Or you might say, if she wanted to survive there were no alternatives. It was evident that we and this trafficked woman had very different understandings of 'trafficking' as a social event.

Bu, W., 2006. 'Looking for 'The Insider's Perspective': Human Trafficking in Sichuan'. In: M. Heimer and S. Thogersen, eds., Doing Fieldwork in China. Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 209-224.


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