Nov 24, 2005 19:15
Things not to say on Thanksgiving:
Is smoke supposed to come out of the oven?
Hey mom! What's the number to 911?
Was I supposed to take that stuff inside the turkey out?
where's the gizard? i laid it right next to the pumpkin pie.....uh-oh
hey mom! supposing I forgot to buy the turkey and ham.....what would we have for dinner?
and my personal favorite: You expect me to eat that?
Yes, i made those up. It was inspired by the list I made of funny occurances today:
"why do they call it "evaporated" milk if its still there?"
"1/3 +1/3 +1/3 does not equal 2/3"
Mom: "do they put nutmeg in the pumpkin pie?"
Me: "i don't know, let me call Billy" HAHAHAHA
"mom, i'm a man trapped in a woman's body"