the forecast calls for Friday, better kiss your ass goodbye.

Apr 02, 2010 12:47

I'm not sure whether today is a good day or not. I'm feeling significantly better than I was the past couple days (and even a few days before that) now that my fever's gone, so that's good. Unfortunately, the Easter lily display is right in front of the coffee counter, and Lilies are one of, like, TWO things I'm allergic to (the other being pine wood - I shit you not, bring new pine-wood furniture into the house and within a week, I'm coughing and stuffy), so my allergies are being a betch.

Michael decided to use our bedroom floor as a litter box in retaliation for getting rid of the litterbox he liked to use (he kept digging shit out of it, literally), so the bedroom has reeked of ammonia the past couple days - of COURSE he did it while I was sick - and we've been sleeping on the futon, leaving the bedroom door closed and windows open so it could air out. It didn't work to well, and the futon is not a very comfy bed. On the bright side, I finally got some pet odour stuff, and it smells better already, but I'm not sure if I got it all. I hope so.

Also, not looking forward to emailing my dad and telling him my job (and life) have sucked more than usual and we need, like, $800-900 by this time next week to not get evicted and be without communication or power. On the (potential) upside, apparently there's a grocery store down the hill a ways that pays starting at about $11/hr (which is more than I've ever made... anywhere) that is hiring. Gonna check that out tomorrow.

So, yeah. Not really sure if today is good or bad. I guess that'll depend on how the rest of the day goes.

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gainful employment, healthy?, *|michaelcat, life, monies, tales of the coffee fairy

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