To all members, if you wanna post stuff to this community about upcoming movies, don't just put it in the comments of other posts. Not everybody reads the comments and some stuff is too good too miss.
Make actual posts to the community.
Like this one, that a BIG fan commented with:
iron man 3,
evilgrins wrote in
Jul 06, 2009 12:53
1) This is going to just about all of my communities, except a very small number of them. I've invited people that make icons to any number of my communities but haven't always gotten as many icon posts as I'd like; often cuz other members discouraged such posts. So, from now on, those of you that make icons are encouraged to join and post your
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evilgrins wrote in
Jun 10, 2009 13:25
I know I can't make you do this, and if you don't I'll do it anyway, but any posts regarding the 2nd Iron Man film I would appreciate it if you tagged it "iron man 2".
Just to keep them together in case anyone wants to see them all.