List of things for summer...

Jun 20, 2008 07:00

My plans for the summer:

1. ENJOY it! There's always going to be some kind of crap going on, either because of work or finances or stupid people but I'm still going to enjoy more of each day than not enjoy it.

2. Reading, reading, and more reading. It's good for my mind, it really is. I can tell a BIG difference when I can relax and read than when there's no time to do it. I already have library books and a HUGE stack of my own books to read. I want to read over the New Jedi Order series of books and then Legacy of the Force. My problem is that I have only half of the NJO books and can't afford to buy the rest, maybe one or two if they're paperback but I've my fingers crossed that the big library in town will have most of them. I checked at the new used bookstore that opened up but the woman running it said she wasn't getting in much science fiction or fantasy books, no interest for it in the area. WTF?

3. I WILL see the summer movies. Last year I worked overtime all summer and didn't get to but I will this time. I've seen Iron Man, Kung Fu Panda, and Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull. I saw The Ruins but maybe that's not considered a summer movie.

4. I would love to take a vacation, even a short one, but if I don't I can still find things to do nearby.

5. Organize! I'm tired of all this crap I've got in the closets and drawers and any other hidey-hole. It's going AWAY.

6. Find my favorite TV shows. I have a sneaking suspicion most of them were cancelled.


I don't think I've put anything impossible on my list this time.


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