Mega update: Moving, TV, fitness, Yogi Moon Cycle tea etc etc

Nov 14, 2013 22:49

Moving: We move in this Sunday! Madness. And no, we're nowhere close to being ready. D-: But I did go through most of my old clothes and throw away all the ones that were too big, including these pants. Posting this picture because what is a weight loss without the requisite fat pants photo? (And because I threw the pants away, so this'll be the first and last one. Excuse my derpy smile, please.

Health: I have really crummy periods, as I've mentioned here before. I get really painful cramps during the first 36 hours or so, and before my period starts I get bloated and sprout a pimple or two. I take ibuprofen like a mutha, before and during my period, but it doesn't really help much. ;/

So last month I tried something new: Yogi Women's Moon Cycle tea. I drank it like crazy-- a cup a day in the week or before the period started, and then 3-5 cups a day during my period.

I was getting real sick of the taste of the tea by the end. D: But, miraculously, it worked! ZERO bloating/ pimples, and I didn't take an ibuprofen once. I'd just fire up a cup of tea whenever I felt a cramp coming on. I think my flow was lighter, too. Good stuff!

Fitness: Still doing my thang. These days it's running three times a week, Insanity once a week, and Focus T25 twice a week, plus some extra ab and arm workouts thrown in, and of course yoga every day.

I'm really pleased with the way things are going with running, especially. I ran 88.5 kilometers total last month, and I've been able to consistently get my pace around the 6:30/k mark, which is a big improvement. My big toes and the balls of my feet are getting all fat and callused up. Love it. :^D

And RooG has even gotten into yoga, sort of! He does like 5-10 minutes a day before his workout. :-D

Random Picdump: We've spent the last few weekends visiting our favorite restaurants in our neighborhood one more time before we move away. Last week it was Kookai, the ramen place. :( My favorite bowl of ramen in Japan...

RooG's birthday was last week and my mother was kind enough to send him an awesome package with some nice new shirts, including this one! He looks great in it, if I do say so myself

Cute Tokyo Disneyland ad on the train. Can't wait to go back to TDS.... we usually go at Christmastime, but not sure if we can make it this year. :C

Nacho is a terror who gnaws on the walls and stuff when we're not around. @o@  So we have to put her in her cage during the daytime, and only let her out in the evenings when we're at home and can stop her if need be. It's cute how Pina still spends so much time with her, though. They're bbs forever.

I saw this sweater at Old Navy and was drawn to it. I just HAD to buy it. I love it in all of its glorious ridiculousness. I was kind of nervous about wearing it to work, but I wore it to both schools this week and no one said a word. Aside from one student who told me, "Your イラスト... cute." Hoom.

TV: Currently watching....

Boardwalk Empire. This season is the worst by far, imho. Major snoozefest. I still watch it because it looks pretty and there are enough characters whose stories I like following from week to week. But it pales in comparison to the previous seasons (especially seasons 1 and 2).

Masters of Sex. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this!!!  Seriously, watch this, if you don't already. Michael Sheen and Lizzy Caplan are amazing.

Sleepy Hollow. Love this too! I ship Ichabod and Abbie so hard.

Vikings. It took a little while to get into it, but I'm hooked.

Downton Abbey. This show is more of a like than a love, but there are way worse things you could do with your time than watch this. Haaaaaate the atrocious "American" accent on the new singer dude, though.

The Ultimate Fighter. Don't care at all about the dudes, it's all about the ladies for me. So many strong, fierce, beautiful females. (Like chichiri!) So inspiring! Love this.

The Walking Dead. Hulu Japan airs new episodes a week and a half after they've aired in the States, so we're a little behind. I hope Tyreese gets eaten. Carol is so awesome this season.

House, MD (season 1).  It's CSI, except instead of CSIs dealing with corpses, it's sassy doctors dealing with living patients. I like CSI better, but I like this, too.

Games: Finished BioShock Infinite. I was disappointed with the last battle and the ending, and it's kind of soured my impression of the whole game, tbh. BioShock 2 is my favorite, hands down.

We bought Grand Theft Auto V, but neither of us can get into it. We both agree that it's a super well-made game, but.... I dunno. We don't find it much fun to play. Rockstar, make a new Red Dead Redemption!

Assassin's Creed IV FINALLY comes out here on the 25th! UGH I can't wait!!!!!

Gotta go to bed~

running, birds, fitness, games, pina, minimalist running, assassin's creed, tv, nacho, health, tea

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