I have to get this off my chest! I know it's a stupid, small thing to be upset about, but it's still bugging me.
Let me preface this by saying that I, for the most part, really love living in Japan! I wouldn't be here so goddamn long if I didn't. :P But every now and again, Japan really gets me down.... ;___;
We were at Landmark Plaza (shopping center), and staff in front of the Gap were giving out random coupons. You'd stick your hand in the box and pull out a coupon. The coupons were for 15%, 30%, or 50% off EVERYTHING IN THE STORE. I got the 50% (wow!!!) and the two clerks outside were like "wow you're so lucky!" and I know it's kinda silly but I was SO HAPPY because Gap is usually out of my price range... but not at 50% off it's not!!!
So I jumped right in and SCOURED the store but sadly I didn't find anything I liked. :( I tried on two pairs of pants-- my muscley calves made the first pair impossible, and the second pair fit but the fabric was kinda scratchy. I tried on a dress too, but it was hideous. Too bad, my awesome coupon would have to go to waste.
Then I had the brilliant idea of just walking up to someone in line for the registers and handing them my coupon! If I was one of the poor bastards that only got the 15% or 30% off coupons, I know I'd be pretty stoked if someone handed me their 50% off coupon. The coupon won't go to waste, and I can make someone's day a little brighter. EVERYONE WINS!
There was a young mom waiting in line with a pile of stuff in her hands and a crying baby in the stroller. I walked up and said, with my least-threatening happy smile, "I'll give you my 50% coupon if you want it." But she already had one. So I asked the girl next to her, but she had one too. (wtf! The staff made it seem like the 50% coupon was a huge deal, but now it seems like everyone has one....)
By this time, a young couple further down the line was giving me the side eye, so I was like "Do you want my coupon?" and they just stared at me like I had three heads until finally the girl replied with a bitchy ".....we're fine." :/
I was pretty discouraged at this point but I thought I'd give it one more try. I said in my nicest Teacher Voice, "I have a 50% coupon here for anyone who wants it! ^0^"...... and everyone ignored me. Sad and confused and embarrassed, I stuffed the coupon in my pocket and walked out of the store where RooG was waiting, and started crying. NICE
I explained the whole thing to RooG and he was like "I know you were trying to do a good deed, but Japanese people just aren't like that." But how could you not be happy if someone handed you a coupon for half off your bill? I know it's dumb to get so worked up about it, but I just do NOT understand these people sometimes!!!
Well, today wasn't all bad. It was pretty good, actually. We went to Old Navy, which was MUCH less crowded this time around, and I walked out with this dress. I really like it. :) (please excuse my derpy face but taking these pictures requires all my concentration!)
(have I mentioned how thrilling it is to be able to ENJOY shopping for clothes and to wear pretty dresses and to not feel like certain kinds of clothes were off-limits and to walk into any old store KNOWING they have my size etc etc etc???)
Me lookin hott and sexxxy after bungee jumping. Those poor staff didn't look too happy to be dealing with me. I was so hopped up on goofballs from the adrenaline rush.
Me in a field of rape blossoms. What an unfortunate name for a pretty flower...
Adorable smiling goat <3
Tina Turner in alpaca form
Pretty scenery~
Tree & my very best Standing Bow
TEH END!!!! Today was the first day of a glorious FOUR-DAY weekend. I'm gonna try to be POSITIVE and not let me dumb shit drag me down!
(Side note, but today was the first time in a LONG time that I've cried. That's awesome, cos I used to be depressed and anxious all the time and I cried a lot more often. I blame PMS. The good thing about the Coupon Incident was that it gave me the RAGE to power through my
Les Mills Combat Combat 45 workout with no problems whatsoever! I wear ankle weights and weighted exercise gloves to do that workout and usually around the 30-minute mark I'm pooped, but not this time! I was punching and kicking at full power till the very end! grrr!)