Mother Farm = My first bungee jump!

Apr 28, 2013 22:21

RooG and I traveled allll the way to Chiba to go to Mother Farm today. RooG wanted to go there-- he had been there a few times as a kid and had a good time. They're an actual operating farm that's famous for delicious meat and dairy products.

Our tickets came with a coupon for a free ice cream made from fresh milk from the farm, so we got that as soon as we got in. mmmm. It was really thick and creamy.

The ice cream stand. Soft-serve ice cream is called "soft cream" in Japan.

The highlight of the day was, of course, BUNGEE JUMPING. RooG found out the place had a bungee jump when he was looking at the website last week and was immediately all over it, but just the thought of it would fill me with major anxiety. D-: I don't have a problem with scary roller coasters and things like that-- I LOVE them, actually. But bungee jumping would require me to actually JUMP from a high distance, of my own volition. I wasn't sure if I could do it.... but I wanted to try, to challenge myself.

We paid (2000 yen each) and they fitted us with harnesses and we waited for our turn. When you're watching from the ground, it doesn't look like such a high distance. We watched about ten people go in front of us, and they were all amazingly stoic about the whole thing, even the girls! They just jumped off without a peep.

I decided I wanted to go before RooG to decrease my chances of chickening out. You have to climb up this big staircase to get to the top. The top is actually REALLY high up, and the mat below doesn't look nearly big enough. The guy attached the bungee jump to my harness and had me to step up to the ledge.

Oh holy shit. You are standing there with your toes right at the edge, and the ground below is VERY far away. I started freaking out, but willed myself to breathe deep breaths and look straight ahead, not down! After what felt like an eternity, the announcer guy on the ground below started the countdown. I remember saying to myself "Ok, you can do this," and I just.... fell.

image Click to view

I handled it pretty well, right? You'd never know I was that scared, right??

The first few seconds were absolutely terrifying!!!! But after a while it was really fun! Craziest adrenaline rush EVER. I would do it again.

RooG went after me and he did it with barely a peep. He said he was super scared and even considered backing out for a second, but when he actually jumped. he was so scared that he couldn't scream. wow!

After that we had what's known as Genghis Khan for lunch... basically meat and veggies that you grill at the table. Pretty good, especially the lamb!

Cute goat that we met on the "farm tour", where you ride in a little train to see alpacas and emus and other animals they have living in these big, green pastures. They let us off the train and give us all a handful of snacks to give to the animals.

And that was our day. I would recommend a visit to Mother Farm, but the day ended up being kind of expensive, and public transportation to and from the farm is pretty inconvenient. RooG wants to go in the fall, to see the colored leaves and dig up sweet potatoes, so we'll probably go back next year. :)

now I am TIRED.


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