Pre-tournament jitters

Apr 01, 2006 22:46

The closer the tournament gets the more nervous I get. I'm the only girl from any Shinkyokushin dojo in Yokohama fighting, and also the only non-Japanese person. I feel a lot of pressure there, I don't want to let everyone down. I think about the tournament almost every free second I get, visualizing how the fight may go in my head and anticipating my opponent's moves and how I would respond, but as I think about it my heart races and my palms sweat. I'm scared I'm gonna get nervous at the actual fight and blow it. How the hell can I just calm down?!

Moments like this make me miss Patrick something fierce. :/

Work was pretty good today. I did an interview and later the manager said that the prospective student, a girl about my age, said that I was beautiful, and that the colors of my outfit matched the color of my skin and hair perfectly. A beauty that shines from the inside out, is what she said. Oh, really?!?! *^o^*

After work I went out with Steve, Irene, and Maya to the garlic restaurant but I was POOOOOOOOPED and also stressed and split once we were done eating. Thought obsessively about fighting the entire way home, dissecting my plan of attack and planning counterattacks for just about anything I can think of. Is this normal?!?! I miss Patrick. >___> heelllllp

shiai, students, karate

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