No good can come from this..?

Jun 09, 2011 05:03

Who: Ciel Phantomhive & Chloe
World | Location: Traverse Town
Date | Content:  Ciel is extremely displeased with the system present in this world. Used to getting on more or less on his own, he's especially irritated by the restrictions placed on "children". Ends up finding himself in a district with heartless and shenanigans ensue.
Rating:: PG-13 at it's worst

Upon hearing about the strict age restrictions the young Earl was less than pleased. In his own time he had already taken on a plethora of responsibilities that he was swiftly learning would be impossible here. Unless-- one had a guardian they'd be trapped at this infernal school and subjected to a curfew.... a curfew of all things. He certainly wasn't planning on remaining there until he aged the appropriate number of years. He simply didn't have the luxury of wasting his time on such a fruitless endeavor. He wondered just who he could lodge a formal complaint with or how he was going to find a stand in for a guardian. The only silver lining being that these rules should keep a certain fiancee well out of trouble.

In his haste, Ciel hadn't realized which district he'd wandered into. At first everything appeared completely normal, but then in the corner of his eye... he thought he saw something move. It was dark.. and swift. Some sort of shadow perhaps? Looking toward it revealed nothing further.. whatever it was had since disappeared.

"Tch-- a perfect time for my mind to start playing tricks on me." He muttered fully prepared to continue on his way. Unfortunately, when he looked back at the path before him it was already teeming with life. Coal-black creatures with blazing yellow eyes peeked out of nearly everywhere. Were these... the heartless!? Becoming more aware of his surroundings, he realized all too late that he'd taken a wrong turn. What was worse is they were threatening to surround him. His eye widening in surprise he attempted to escape the trap he'd found him in the creatures already rushing towards him.

Breaking into a run he inevitably found himself backed into a corner. Forced to stand and face them... he tried to draw his weapon not even sure if they would be effective against these opponents. Before he had the chance to take aim, a heartless sprang onto his arm eager to claim it's price. "Get off of me!" he shouted trying to shake it off. It reached toward his chest.. but only managed to take hold of an envelope the boy had been carrying in is jacket. Curious about it, the heartless turned it over in his hand before finally Ciel managed to throw off it's balance and knock it off.

Pointing his gun at is.. a shot soon rang out throughout the alleyway.

[weiss side b] chloé, [kuroshitsuji] ciel phantomhive

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